

Hauri, C., Irving, B., Hayes, D., Abdi, E., Kemme, J., Kinski, N., McDonnell, A.M.P.: CO2 Seaglider trajectory file from Gulf of Alaska 2023. SEANOE., 2023. 

Hauri, C., Irving, B., Hayes, D., Abdi, E., Kemme, J., Kinski, N., McDonnell, A.M.P.: CO2 Seaglider trajectory file from Gulf of Alaska 2022. SEANOE., 2022. 

Hauri, C. and Irving, B. 2023. pCO2 time series measurements from the Chukchi Ecosystem Observatory CEO2 mooring deployed at 33 meters depth in the Northeast Chukchi Sea. Research Workspace. 10.24431/rw1k7dq, version: 10.24431_rw1k7dq_20230531T123002Z.

Hauri, C. and Irving, B. 2023. pH, temperature, salintiy, and oxygen time series measurements from the Chukchi Ecosystem Observatory CEO2 mooring deployed at 33 meters depth in the Northeast Chukchi Sea. Research Workspace. 10.24431/rw1k7dp, version: 10.24431_rw1k7dp_20230531T121136Z.

Hauri C., and Irving, B. 2021. Inorganic Carbon data from water samples collected during CTD casts at stations during the Northern Gulf of Alaska LTER seasonal cruises, 2018-2021. Research Workspace. 10.24431/rw1k45g, version: 10.24431_rw1k45g_20230203T202101Z.

Model Output

Hauri, C., & Pagès, R. (2023). Gulf of Alaska ROMS-COBALT hindcast simulation 1993–2021 [Dataset]. Research Workspace.

Danielson, S., Hedstrom, K., and Hauri, C. Numerical model integrations of the Pan-Arctic ROMS (PAROMS) ocean circulation and sea ice model, 1980-2018. Arctic Data Center. doi:10.18739/A2G73751P, 2022.

Hauri, C., Hedstrom, K., and Danielson, S.: Gulf of Alaska ROMS-COBALT Hindcast Simulation 1980–2013, Research Workspace, version: 10.24431_rw1k43t_20203421026,, 2020.